SEED Institute
Do you enjoy discussing complex issues with folks from a variety of disciplines and backgrounds to try to create a more just and regenerative world? The SEED Undergraduate Fellowship Program is a year-long sustainability leadership program that challenges students to explore diverse perspectives, create meaningful relationships, develop a critical consciousness and serve as positive agents of sustainability.
Becoming a SEED Fellow
Fellows are required to take one 3-credit class in the fall and one 3-credit class in the spring (AND3900/AND3901). This Fellowship is a commitment to a community of learners and practitioners who want to change the world for the better – it will require time, dedication and enthusiasm.
The Fellowship is recommended for students considering careers or further education in diverse fields including business, health care, education, journalism, sciences, government, nonprofit work and technology – we not only welcome all perspectives, but believe they are the key to creative and unique solutions.
The Fellowship Program is available to students with sophomore standing or above. Interested students must submit an application to the program, which includes:
- Two short essays
- Resume
- Academic transcript
- A faculty, staff member or employer who agrees to be a character reference for you