Callings: The Power of Passionate Work Faculty and Staff Workshop

February 07, 2023
09:30 AM - 12:00 PM
Faculty and Staff Events
Claver Hall, Mountain View Room

The Regis University Center for Career and Professional Development, in partnership with Human Resources and the Office of Mission, invites you to join us for an interactive workshop led by national speaker and author, Gregg Levoy. The university-wide event, Callings: The Power of Passionate Work, will be hosted from 9:30 a.m.-noon on Feb. 7 in the Mountain View Room of Claver Hall. Light refreshments will be provided.

And if you can't join us in person, consider viewing the livestream. Email to request the livestream link.


This hands-on workshop is designed to help those who work with students around vocational issues (career services, academic advising, counseling, student services, campus ministry, even res life) gain a better understanding of the process people typically encounter in listening and responding to their sense of calling. Starting with themselves. That is, to the degree staff/faculty are clear and engaged in their own sense of passion and purpose, integrity and contribution, that is the degree to which they can inspire others to be authentic, to contribute, and to become impassioned about their lives. Knowing yourself is as crucial to effective leadership and stewardship as knowing your students and knowing your craft.

The workshop uses dialoguing, small group work, brainstorming, and a series of self-reflective questions to help deepen your exploration of the sense of calling, and gain clarity and courage to take whatever Next Steps will align or re-align you with that sense of calling in your own professional or personal life. The key issues explored will be:

  • Clarifying your callings
  • Recognizing and working with the resistance that naturally arises
  • Identifying who and what can help you respond affirmatively to these calls
  • Creating an action plan of specific steps to anchor these callings in the world


Gregg Levoy, author of Callings: Finding and Following An Authentic Life (Random House)—rated among the "Top 20 Career Publications" by the Workforce Information Group and a text in various graduate programs in Management and Organizational Leadership—and Vital Signs: The Nature and Nurture of Passion (Penguin), is the former "behavioral specialist" at USA Today and a regular blogger for Psychology Today.

He has presented at many universities around the country, from the Universities of Colorado/Nevada/California/Washington/Texas to many of the colleges awarded Lilly grants for the “Theological Exploration of Vocation” including Davidson, Occidental, Creighton, Loyola, Butler, Concordia, Earlham and others. He’s also Keynoted at the Assn for Counselor Education and Supervision Conference, National Career Development Association Conference (twice), National Association of Colleges & Employers, International Association of Career Management Professionals, American Counseling Association, Microsoft, the Smithsonian Institution, and he's appeared on ABC-TV, CNN, NPR and PBS.

A former adjunct professor of journalism at the University of New Mexico, and former columnist and reporter for USA Today and the Cincinnati Enquirer, he has written for the New York Times Magazine, Washington Post, Psychology Today, Fast Company, and others. His website is

Center for Career and Professional Development
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