Seeking volunteers to lead Regis Berkeley Community Garden
This is an open call for people who would like to be involved as a volunteer garden leader for the Regis Berkeley Community Garden, located on the north side of lower lot 4 on the Northwest Denver campus. The garden is one of 100 Denver Urban Gardens.The Regis garden has 24 plots including a flower and herb garden.
We are looking for a few people to take a fun and rewarding leadership role (see descriptions below) to help keep the community garden running and functioning well. The more leaders we have, the less any one leader needs to do.
Please contact Nicole Marcisz at with any questions or if you are interested in learning more about the garden.
Looking for garden space? We have plots available for the 2021 gardening season. It is convenient to be a member of the garden when you work on campus. You can visit in the mornings in the summer when it is cool and pull a few weeds or you can pick from your plot for lunch. Consider a departmental plot where you can share some responsibility for maintenance and care and then share the bounty of harvests.
Here are the leadership positions:
General Garden Leader Role
commit to a minimum of 2x month (as a leader) during the entire season (March-October)
you have a plot and are immersed in the garden with the community
meet with the leader committee once a month to plan and coordinate the season.
Open to anyone whether you are an employee of Regis or member of community.
Attend Garden Leader Symposium and Leader training early in season (hosted by DUG)
Assist with committee in organizing (and leading) social events, pot lucks, tasks, work days, education and orientation.
Assist with month to month leadership activities
Garden Membership Coordinator Role
This role requires that you are a Regis employee.
General description: Coordinate membership, collect fees, waivers, plot assignments.
Expect to begin membership efforts starting in February and usually concludes by May.
Inquire who will be returning, determine how many plots are open, connect with DUG to let them know how many plots are open, set deadlines for commitment for new season.
Communicate with current members and new members about yearly waiver/app, fees etc. Assign plots to new members. Connect new members to receive orientation from leaders.
Communicate guidelines and general gardener expectations to new gardeners to help them understand the expectations and responsibilities of being a member.
Communicate with the committee and DUG as needed. Provide spreadsheet with all member info; plot assignments; contact info.
Maintain a wait list as needed.
Contribute a membership report for the annual end of year summary.