Clarke Hall Exterior Façade Work

Project Scope: A protective coating will be applied to the exterior of Clarke Hall.

The first phase of this project started on the ground floor this past Monday, June 5, 2023, and involves the installation of an elastomeric coating on the entire exterior brick and pre-cast finishes (top to bottom) of Clarke Hall. This first phase includes only the east and south sides of the building and will take the entire summer to complete. Barring significant weather delays we hope to complete this phase by the start of the fall term. A second phase involves coating the building's other two sides, which is planned for the summer of 2024.

The protective coating is a preventative measure that will serve to protect the building’s exterior from excess moisture infiltration and the subsequent effects of freeze-thaw cycles. This preventative maintenance work also involves removing and reinstalling new and improved pre-cast joint sealant and requires the use of hand-held grinders and oscillating blades and other tools with prevalent low-level noise throughout the days ahead. Lifts and ladders will also be used to reach the full height of the building.

Starting on June 12, 2023, the eastern third of Lot 1, located directly south of Clarke Hall, will be closed to allow space for project storage and staging of equipment. ADA parking stalls will be re-created temporarily using other nearby stalls.

Occasionally, pedestrian routes will be re-directed, and building entrances at times will not be available for building access but will remain available for emergency egress out of the building. Please be mindful and heed the placement of cones and caution tape used to cordon off and direct you safely around the dangerous “for construction only” areas. For your safety, do not enter into work areas, especially when work is occurring directly overhead.

We appreciate your cooperation and patience during this project.

Your Friends in the Physical Plant