Celebrate the Festival of Sukkot at Regis

Celebrate the Festival of Sukkot (Festival of Booths or Tabernacles)! This Jewish festival comes on the full moon after the holiest day of the Jewish year, Yom Kippur, and is a celebration of the ingathering of the fall harvest, and a commemoration of the Israelites’ 40 years of wandering in the wilderness between Mt. Sinai and entering the promised land. The Torah commands that the people “dwell in booths” for the seven or eight days of the festival; the Rabbis understood the command “to dwell” as including the specific acts of eating, sleeping and studying. Hence, many Jews eat, sleep, learn and rejoice in the sukkah for the duration of the festival. The Sukkah is enclosed on three sides, and open on the fourth to invite guests to join the celebration. 
This year, Sukkot extends from the evening of Oct. 16 to the evening of Oct. 23. Here on campus, a Sukkah (or booth) will be erected to the northeast of the grotto, in the O'Connell Bowl by Oct. 15. All members of the Regis community are invited to dwell, rejoicing in the beauty, abundance and fragility of our shared garden planet.