a view of the quad in the fall

Community for Cura Facultas

Pulling from our value of cura personalis, or care for the whole person, the Community for Cura Facultas organizes efforts that provide continued development for instruction at Regis.

This community includes expertise and support for teaching and learning excellence, faculty research, grant support and resources related to online instruction and design. Future supports will complete the “whole faculty” spirit by providing coordinated resources for new faculty onboarding, faculty reviews (e.g. tenure applications) and via an ombudsperson.


Contact the Office of the Provost at provost@regis.edu.

Regis University Academic Council (RUAC)

The Regis University Academic Council (RUAC) is the faculty body that presides over the academic governance structure of Regis University and makes formal recommendations to the Provost on University-wide academic matters.

The RUAC's charge is to work in concert with the academic councils of the respective colleges to formulate University-wide policies and standards for all academic programs. RUAC is also responsible for:

  • Monitoring the implementation of academic policies
  • Reviewing strategic plans of the colleges
  • Reviewing academic unit reviews
  • Approving new majors, certificates, specializations and major program initiatives
  • Recommending new degree programs and major initiatives to the Regis University Board of Trustees

RUAC includes faculty representatives from each college and the Library who hold three-year terms. It meets the first and third Wednesdays of each month from 3:30-5 p.m.