Center for Integrative Learning
The Center for Integrative Learning is an incubator of innovation where we mix our considerable expertise in teaching and learning, our interdisciplinary programs, and our collective passions -to work on a higher education ideal –engaging the world’s big questions and problems by blending academic disciplines...there where the magic, and deep efficacy, lives. We open and hold vital intellectual and institutional space for integrative teaching, research, and projects, we generate rich opportunities for creative thinking, we deepen our collective expertise and imagination for integrative learning within Regis College, and we increase student’s capacity for social projection beyond campus.
Center for Integrative Learning Offers the Following Programs
The Bachelor of Arts (BA) in Environmental Studies is critical for the understanding of the health and wellbeing of human societies and ecosystems. Environmentally literate professionals are necessary to address complex environmental problems on our ecologically and socially interconnected planet. Both the B.S. in Environmental Science and B.A. in Environmental Studies are interdisciplinary degrees with an emphasis on environmental solutions from local to global scales. Both degrees promote Liberal Arts skills such as critical thinking, qualitative/quantitative reasoning, problem-solving, and writing. Both degrees explore issues of climate change, resource depletion, habitat destruction, environmental justice, biological extinction, global development/urbanization, energy/resource use, consumption/population growth, and sustainable living.
-Dr. Eve Passerini, B.A. Program Director
The Bachelor of Arts (BA) in Integrative Studies mixes freedom and rigorous standards, crossing and integrating disciplines, allowing students to design an academic path based on their unique interests, producing majors well equipped to apply information and skills in novel ways to new, complex and pressing questions and challenges. The student, with their advisors, develops a unique degree title and a course of study that does not officially exist at the university, but that can be supported by the university – usually, by mixing courses from different disciplines and departments.
-Dr. Eve Passerini, Associate Professor
The Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) in Peace and Justice is an interdisciplinary program that provides the opportunity to explore complex social justice and peace issues in the 21st century from the perspective of multiple disciplines. Eleven departments contribute courses. The major introduces students to issues of injustice and violence, conflict resolution and the practice of nonviolence, social change theory and community organizing, case studies of social movements as well as a historical, philosophical, economic, and religious understanding of peace and justice. Service learning and community internships are integrated into the academic program.
-Chair, Dr. Eric Fretz
New Minors Offered
Integrative Studies Minor is designed by a student and an advisor team, who plan the degree title and required courses from across a variety of departments, internships, and independent studies. It is an option that allows students to design an academic path based on their unique interests in a field, or fields, for which there is no formally established program at Regis (so long as the University has the capacity to support the course of study proposed).
The Leadership Minor builds capacity for being an ethical, compassionate, fair, effective servant-leader, focused on building well-being, resiliency, and problem-solving ability in communities and working toward a hope-filled future in a just and humane world. The Leadership Minor focuses on the interdisciplinary theory, skills, reflection, and spirit of effective leadership in the service of others. This minor pairs well with any major, as well as with a wide variety of leadership activities on and off-campus.
The Racial Justice Minor centers the concerns and experiences of US Black, Indigenous, Latinx, Asian and Pacific Islander, and other People of Color (POC), while also exploring the roots of whiteness because concepts of race and ethnicity are fundamental to the power of intersecting systems of both oppression and resistance. The minor focuses on Structural/Historical Racism, Interpersonal Racism/Bias, Identity and Social Construction, Resistance Movements, Antiracism, and Race/Religion/Jesuit Values - in an effort to dismantle racial hierarchies and build equitable communities. This minor deepens our understanding of, and commitment to, racial and ethnic justice, and will allow us to better project those values and solutions out into the world beyond Regis.
-Dr. Eve Passerini, Associate Professor