Human Resources provides guidance on return to campus

Dear Colleagues:

As Father Fitzgibbons announced, we are ready to begin returning to campus effective June 1, 2020, with the hope and intention of having non-faculty staff being fully back by July 1. With this in mind, please see the following updates:

  1. Effective Monday, June 1, most buildings will now be open between 7:30 am to 5:00 pm.

  2. Please see the Building Access Information for specific details regarding open buildings and the identified point of entry. There will also be signage on each building. As a reminder, pets may not be present inside any Regis University building at any time unless required to assist an individual with a disability or, as part of an approved Regis academic program, are being trained to assist an individual with a disability.

  3. Non-faculty employees should work with their department heads in conjunction with their VP and/or Dean to determine their individual work schedules with an anticipated full return of non-faculty employees to campus as of July 1. [Non-faculty employees constitute less than 50 percent of all Regis staff.]

  4. As we transition from working at home to working on campus, it is important that we remember to adhere to our regular policies and procedures, especially in regard to how we conduct and present ourselves with one another, our students, and any visitors on campus.   

  5. All employees will be required to complete an online training in July, to ensure understanding of our return to campus guidelines.  Information regarding this training is forthcoming. 

  6. Employees who may have childcare or elder care issues should work with their supervisors, in conjunction with Human Resources, to determine an appropriate transition plan.  Please note, due to liability reasons, children cannot accompany employees in the workplace. 

  7. Employees who may have concerns regarding returning to work due to their own health issues, please contact Human Resources,, for assistance in this regard.

Safer at Home guidelines:

  • Maintain six-foot separation between employees and discourage shared spaces

  • Avoid meetings or groups of more than 10 employees, students or visitors

  • Whenever possible or needed, staggered schedules for staff working on campus

  • Implement symptom monitoring protocols

  • Require employees with symptoms to stay home

  • Accommodate employees who are vulnerable individuals

  • Provide flexible options for employees with child or elder-care obligations 

Wellness Screenings:

To ensure we are following the symptoms monitoring guidelines, we will continue to require employees  who will be working on campus to complete and submit the Wellness Screening Questionnaire. You will need to download to fill out electronically and submit to Human Resources each day before coming to campus. If an employee has a temperature greater than 100.4, or at least two of the noted symptoms, that individual is not authorized to come on campus that day and should notify their supervisor.  The completed form should be returned to Human Resources,

Face Covering (Mask) Requirements:

As directed by current state and city orders, face masks or face coverings must be worn by all faculty and staff working on campus when in close proximity to others and in public settings where other social distancing measures are difficult to maintain (e.g., common work spaces, meeting rooms, classrooms, etc.). Visitors are also expected to also wear masks or face coverings when on campus. Appropriate use of face masks or coverings is critical in minimizing risks to others near you. You could spread COVID-19 to others even if you do not feel sick.  Please see Face Covering/Mask Guidelines & FAQs for additional guidance.

Enhanced Cleaning:

During the Stay at Home Order, our custodial staff conducted enhanced cleaning operations for all buildings. Our custodial team is now cleaning all bathrooms in unlocked facilities in the morning and mid-day as well as restocking and wiping down the bathroom and entrances to the suites and designated access to the facility.  To assist in this area, we can each be personally responsible to practice the required hygiene protocols, which includes washing our hands thoroughly with soap and water frequently. The soap in all buildings is anti-bacterial and works in all water temperatures.

As the State and City and County of Denver continue to revise and update current orders and provide additional guidance, so too, the University is working to develop the necessary protocols to meet these requirements to safeguard the health and safety of our employees, our students and our community. 

Please refer to the Return to Campus Guidelines for additional instruction as well as an updated FAQs regarding further COVID-19 guidance.

I look forward to seeing you safely back on campus in the coming weeks! 


Liz Whitmore

Associate Vice President | Human Resources