Doctor of Physical Therapy Accreditation Update

The Doctor of Physical Therapy program has been working on their 10-year reaccreditation process by the Commission on Accreditation in Physical Therapy Education since 2018. The site visit was originally scheduled for September of 2020, but it was delayed secondary to the cyberattack. The visit then was rescheduled twice as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, and then was converted to a virtual site visit.

The visit occurred July 11-14 and involved conversations of the three-person site visit team with multiple stakeholders including program administrators, ranked and affiliate faculty, clinical education faculty, students, alumni, employers, student services, admissions, and university administration. Overall, the visit went very well and the program will receive a report from the site visitors before the final documents are submitted to CAPTE for a decision on reaccreditation in November this fall.