Updates from the ID&T Team

Interested in implementing a new teaching strategy, learning experience, or assessment type in your course?

Members of the Design-Based Research Peer Cluster Project Peer Cluster (PC) will collaborate within their cluster to design for the implementation of a new teaching strategy or learning experience. Each member will identify a teaching/learning goal for a course. They collaborate to achieve the goal of the Peer Cluster (e.g., course revisions, new course creation, teaching practice implementation, professional learning) with the focus always on inclusive excellence in teaching, course design, and learning.

Learn more at the Design-Based Research Peer Cluster page. You can contact Dr. Heidi Blair at hblair002@regis.edu if you have any questions.

Revising an existing course? Creating a new course?

The Regis Characteristics of High-Quality Online Courses (RCoHQOC) can guide you as you determine what to revise or how to design your new course. While a course with all these characteristics is aspirational, not required, our students benefit from having them present.

Multiple resources are available on the Instructional Design page of the ID&T website.

To download a writable PDF version to use while creating or revising your courses, use this link to download: RCoHQOC Self-Review Tool PDF

Do you have a course that meets these characteristics? We would love to recognize it and you. Please contact Dr. Heidi Blair at hblair002@regis.edu. Let us know you would like your course reviewed for recognition as a RCoHQOC Exemplar Course.

Enhance your teaching and design practice through two-hour synchronous workshops in September!

Choose from a wide variety of topics:

Have questions? Email them to idt@regis.edu

Invest in your course and in your students. Join the Yellowdig Pilot!

Instructional Design and Technology (ID&T) is currently seeking innovative faculty to pilot Yellowdig in Spring 2022. Yellowdig is a social learning platform designed to foster engaging student-centered discourse. Different from traditional discussion forums in WorldClass, Yellowdig resembles social media sites that students feel comfortable with. The gamified system rewards students to contribute to the community by asking questions, sharing insights, and connecting course content to current events or articles. Yellowdig communities use a point system that grades automatically and motivates student participation. You could be freed from the time-consuming process of manual grading of discussions.

To learn more about Yellowdig, please join one of the information sessions:

  • Tuesday, September 14th from 10 a.m. – 11 a.m. (Zoom Link)
  • Wednesday, September 15th from 1 p.m. -2 p.m. (Zoom Link)

If you have questions in the meantime, please contact Heidi Blair at hblair002@regis.edu

ID&T Website

Looking for more information from ID&T? The ID&T website is a great source of information on upcoming workshops, available tools and helpful resources.

ID&T Website