A Letter from Dr. Karen Riley

Good afternoon colleagues, 

I hope this note finds you well. Although our President has frequently shared his intent to step down in his tenth year, yesterday’s announcement is a big one. We want to respect Fr. Fitzgibbons’ decision and honor him for all that he has done for Regis University. Personally, I am thankful for Fr. Fitzgibbons’ many years of dedicated leadership. I have shared my gratitude with him privately, and I look forward to the opportunity for us to thank him publicly and to send him forth with the blessings of the entire Regis community.  

Leadership transitions, although common, can evoke a variety of feelings and elicit many questions. We have been building momentum and will continue to move forward through this transition. Our community is comprised of committed and talented individuals who are dedicated to our mission, our students and to one another. I remain optimistic and confident about our future and the trajectory of the University and look forward to working with all of you as we build that future together.  

The Trustees have and will continue to work diligently on next steps. They too are committed to the future of the University and to advancing a thriving community well beyond our approaching 150th anniversary. We are fortunate to have such compassionate and dedicated individuals working on our behalf.  

During times of transition, the opportunity for misinformation or misunderstanding is increased. I want to ensure that we have time to talk with one another. Below please see the list of Open Office Hours. We have varied the times and dates so that we can accommodate most schedules. This is simply a time reserved for you to ask questions and for us to share our thoughts. The in-person options will take place in the Provost’s Suite and we have provided a Zoom link for those who do not are unable to come to the Northwest Campus.  

I hope you will make space for one of these opportunities: 

Tuesday, November 23                  8:30 – 10:00 am 

Monday, November 29                  2:00 – 3:00pm via Zoom: 


Wednesday, December 1              10:00 am – 12:00 pm and 1:00 – 2:00 pm 

Our work continues and has never been, as necessary. Admissions and Financial Aid have provided the bulk of our content for this week’s Digest. They have been hard at work, and it shows. I will dedicate some space here and in each of the next few editions to address the feedback we received via our survey.  

One theme we heard involved the differentiation of roles between Instructional Technology Services (ITS) and Instructional Design & Technology (ID&T). ID&T  assists  in the design of courses and learning activities as well as the use and implementation of instructional technologies (e.g., WorldClass, VoiceThread, MediaSpace, etc.).   

Confusion between ID&T and ITS often arises when WorldClass (our learning management system) is involved. The rule of thumb is:  

  • If you want  assistance  with a Master or Maintenance shell, contact ID&T. 
  • If you want  assistance  with a Course Section, contact ITS. 

To learn more about ID&T visit  idt.Regis.org 

There was also a question raised about improving online courses. One step already taken is the piloting of Yellowdig—which has the potential for a dramatic shift in the way students and faculty engage in online discussion. Keep an eye on the Digest for updates on the pilot and the feedback we receive from students and faculty. Any questions about Yellowdig can be directed to ID & T.  

I also wanted to update Academic Affairs that the university has enlisted the help of an outside consultant to perform an IT audit. This work will help assess our existing infrastructure, as well as address our current technology needs and priorities. As this work unfolds, I will provide pertinent updates here in the Provost’s Digest.  

The 13-member Regis College Academic Dean Search Committee is continuing its work. The full-consideration deadline for  initial  applications passed on Monday Nov. 1. The search is now at the stage where we  request  that candidates respond to the University’s Jesuit Catholic Mission. Using these responses, a subset of applicants  then will  be asked to  participate  in Zoom interviews with members of the Search Committee to help  determine  who will be asked to attend on-campus interviews tentatively planned for February.  

I think that does it for updates this time. In this time of Thanksgiving, I find myself humbled to work with such a dedicated group of faculty and staff. With a break coming up, I want to encourage you to take the time to relax, recharge, unplug and focus solely on your family and friends. If you choose to catch up a bit on your email, please put emails in your outbox so that we are not filling up the inboxes of our colleagues. I am indeed grateful to all of you for everything you do for our students, for each other and for our community. 


