Instructional Design and Technology Updates

Learn more about SPPLE

Are you keen to enhance your teaching practice, but have limited time in a busy schedule?  

SPPLE might be the answer. What is a SPPLE, you ask? It is a self-paced professional learning experience. Each includes active learning strategies to encourage deeper learning and application of the concepts to your teaching practice. While they are designed to provide a two-hour experience, you can start and stop as your time allows. A certificate of completion is available for your records. Check one or two out:  

Leveraging the Features of WorldClass in On-Ground Courses

WorldClass is not just for online courses, as many of us learned last year when many elements of on-ground courses moved online to support remote teaching and learning. This infographic shares 14 student-centered ideas for using WorldClass to support your on-ground courses.  


Using WorldClass in On-Ground Courses  

Department/Program Review of Courses Incentive Program – The Regis Characteristics of High-Quality Online Courses (RCOHQOC) in Action 

Instructional Design and Technology is announcing a new program to incentivize the use of the Regis Characteristics of High-Quality Online Courses to advance the design of online courses. This new program aims to ensure a department/program’s high standard of instruction is maintained by encouraging department/program representatives to evaluate online courses using the RCOHQOC. For each completed course evaluation, $100 will be transferred to the department. Up to $5000 will be transferred in the initial launch of the program in January 2022. More to come via your Academic Deans!