Mark your calendar for Scholarship Month

Regis University’s Scholarship Month is an entire month devoted to highlighting scholarship opportunities available to incoming first-year students and celebrating the generous donors who make these scholarships possible. Throughout the month of February 2022, we’ll be encouraging students to explore the plethora of available scholarships, in addition to hosting two on-campus scholarship competition weekends on Feb. 11-12 and 18-19. If you know any incoming Regis first-year students, encourage them to learn more and sign up for Scholarship Month!

Through Scholarship Month, we hope to create a real sense of connection between scholarship donors and recipients. This includes increasing students’ understanding that financial support is coming from real people who wish to see them succeed. If you’d like to contribute to the general scholarship fund, please visit our Find a Cause resource page. Your generosity will enhance Regis’ ability to provide a transformative education to promising students.