Announcements and Celebrations

cute-book-read-225x225.jpgRead until you understand all the great things happening all around Regis! A member of the Regis University Class of 2044 was recently spotted taking in this year’s One Book, One Regis selection. Thank you, Martin Doppelt (from the Office of the First Year Experience) for sharing this adorable photo! 

On Thursday, Sept. 8, we are pleased to welcome author Farah Jasmine Griffin, author of Read Until You Understand to campus. Be on the lookout for further details of the day and evening opportunities. 

Kudos to the The Learning Commons 

A recent graduate of our Masters in Counseling wrote in to say: “I can’t help but feel an immense amount of gratitude for the support I received from the Regis Writing Center team. Academic writing has always been a challenge for me and coming into the program, I really doubted if I had the ability or resources needed to succeed. Simply put, I couldn’t have completed this journey without the critical support and feedback I received from the Regis Writing Center. You all are just amazing, and I hope you continue doing the amazing work you’re doing.”  

Good News from Anderson College of Business and Computing 

Congratulations to Anderson’s Data Science Program for being recognized in the rankings of the Best Master’s in Data Science Programs in 2022. You may recall from earlier this summer that Anderson’s Cybersecurity program was also recognized by Fortune. Great work!   

 New offerings in Anderson  

Anderson College’s Executive Education programs reflect an unbridled passion and unwavering commitment to your personal and professional growth, helping you and your organization succeed and contribute to creating a better world. Led by fellow Regis alum, author, and globally-recognized business and leadership psychologist, Edgar Papke, online and on-ground classes are starting this September. The session is intentionally designed to develop increased awareness of who you are as a leader, better communication and conflict management skills, cutting-edge approaches to leading innovation and performance, and a community to work your problems in real time.  Regis alumni receive a discount. For more detail and specific information, visit the Anderson Executive Education page. 

Free Professional Membership available with UPCEA 

After a two-year hiatus, Regis has renewed its membership with the University Professional and Continuing Education Association (UPCEA) in order to reconnect with its various networks and resources. Any faculty or staff can add themselves to Regis’ institutional roster at no cost in order to access information or join any of the available networks. Please share as appropriate with your teams.   

UPCEA has eight Networks that are designed to serve professionals practicing in key areas of online and professional and adult learner education. The Networks are open to any UPCEA member. Members can join one or more of these Networks by logging in to their member profile, going down to "My Networks + Committees", then clicking on "Browse Networks + Committees (Join a Network!)". Select the Network(s) you would like to join by clicking "view", and then "Click here to join this Network/Committee". Once you join a Network, you'll receive regular email communications from that Network. 

UPCEA's Networks are: 

rhchp-habitat-225x225.jpgRegis nursing students for and with others 

Thank you to these amazing nursing students who worked at Habitat for Humanity job site recently along with partners from Health One. Thank you to: Destiny Arias-Buckeye, Jose Avila, Rose Ha and Anahi Sanchez Vilarreal.

Fr. Greg Boyle to visit Regis

Fr. Greg Boyle, SJ, Founder of Homeboy Industries, will be on campus on Friday, Sept. 9 for a public talk in the Chapel at 7 p.m. This event is a collaboration with a local nonprofit, FLY - Fully Liberated Youth. They “seek to restore dignity and foster secure attachments with incarcerated, formerly incarcerated, and high-risk young people through redemptive and restorative relationships that are focused on healing, mercy, mutuality, tenderness, and kinship.” While the event is free, FLY is accepting free-will donations to support their work here in Denver. Registration in advance of the talk is requested and can be done here.