Instructional Design and Technology shares tips for course reimagining

Updates from Instructional Design and Technology


The Instructional Design and Technology Team is committed to our mission in which collaboration in the creation of high-quality learning and teaching environments is key. Instructional Designers (ID) and Instructional Technologists (IT) along with our Educational Support Specialist (ESS), Administrative Assistant (AA), and Director (Dir) are dedicated to supporting all faculty as they strive to provide our students with the most impactful learning experiences possible. Please welcome our new members, Violetta Miles (a returning Regis employee) and Claire Wagner (a double Regis Alum). 

Course Reimagining is in the Air! 

What makes a course (e.g., online, on campus course, hybrid, super hybrid, etc.) exemplary? How does such a course impact students and the institution? By focusing on the students’ learning experience, each one of us can impact student belongingness, retention, and persistence. These three can then positively impact the institution’s reputation. 

Where can one start?  

  • Contemporary learner experience.  
  • High level of student engagement with the content, fellow students, and the instructor.  
  • Ubiquitous faculty presence.  
  • Experiential learning.  
  • For online courses, these along with meeting the Regis Characteristics of High-Quality Online Courses and the RUAC Online Faculty Engagement Strategies, work to ensure our students have the highest quality learning experience possible. 

Experiential Learning via Immersive Virtual Reality 

There are a multitude of experiential learning practices that can be integrated into an online course (e.g., role playing, authentic writing, simulations, field trips). An emerging practice is the inclusion of immersive virtual reality (iVR). Jason StClair, Instructional Designer in ID&T, set out to investigate possibilities as one of his annual goals. Soon, through discussions with other members of the ID&T team, faculty, and with the AJCU TTL group, possibilities for implementing it in Regis courses began to materialize.   

Currently we are looking into resources for sciences. As we dive deeper into this area we have learned of experiences for social sciences as well. Does this intrigue you like it did us? If so, please email Jason StClair and Heidi Blair and let them know you are interested in joining in these discussions. 

The images below are a look at a new WorldClass Course Model being implemented across the University. Are you interested in learning more? Email us at and we will arrange a time to discuss. 



