ODEIE shares update on becoming Hispanic Serving Institution

Rene Gonzalez, Program Manager, Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusive Excellence attended the Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities national conference to connect with existing Hispanic Serving Institutions (HSIs) and learn about federal level HSI funding for Regis as we continue in our efforts to become an HSI. Rene created new relationships and coalitions that support HSIs and HSI eligible learning communities such as HSI Stem Hub (HSISTEMHUB.org). He also learned about additional grant and funding opportunities through the National Science Foundation and the National Endowment for the Humanities.  

Rene extended an invitation for Regis to host the Colorado Coalition for the Educational Advancement of Latinos/as/x (CoCEAL) fall statewide meeting on Friday, Nov. 4. CoCEAL is a coalition of post-secondary and professional educators devoted to the educational success of the state’s Latina/o/x population. The meeting in November will highlight our own Regis first generational students, Regis' Latina/o/x first generation student services, and other HSI related initiatives.  

Rene invited the College Readiness Advisor, Nancy Padron, from Arrupe Jesuit High School to Regis for an informal welcome back fall event to all Arrupe Jesuit High School alumni currently attending Regis. Rene worked with Nancy to coordinate this event with the goal of listening to and learning about our Arrupe/Regis students and their experiences at Regis. This will further support and align the needs for our students to inform our HSI initiatives. In addition, Rene invited the new Regis Parent and Family Liaison, Kristi Gonsalves-McCabe, to visit Arrupe Jesuit Hight School to meet with their staff so we can continue to maintain a strong partnership with the school.