Discussion to cover spiritual journey of recovery

Regis will welcome the Ignatian Spirituality Project to campus at 4 p.m. on Feb. 13 in the St. John Francis Regis Chapel as leaders discuss the spiritual journey of those recovering from homelessness and addiction. 

How can our Ignatian charism engage the spiritual life of those recovering from homelessness and addiction? The Ignatian Spirituality Project has been engaging this question for almost 25 years through retreat experiences, prayer and sharing sacred stories of love, hope and healing. This gathering is an opportunity to hear the experience of one person, Jerome Thomas, who began his own Ignatian journey from being unhoused and addicted to his first retreat and to the present day as an ISP leader and advocate for those seeking the same experience in Washington, DC. He will be joined by Jim Broderick King, ISP Regional Director, and Christine Curran, ISP Executive Director to share elements of prayer in recovery and experiences of the spirituality born from struggle. Come to hear this shared story of rekindling relationship with God and living a mission-driven life to help others who struggle.

Light refreshments will be available after the presentation.

An RSVP is appreciated at https://forms.gle/VLbJhT5RnAWHzrXo8.

You can contact Jim Broderick King at  jbroderickking@ispretreats.org for more information.