Regis University Organized for Success Initiative Update

Dear Faculty and Staff:

As we approach the end of our work for Regis, we’d like to take stock of what we’ve accomplished for you and briefly describe the last phase of our work.

Mindstream was engaged last year to help your university improve its enrollment practices, increase tuition/ fee revenue, and conduct an in-depth review of internal operations to improve effectiveness, streamline processes, transform service, and lower overall costs. This review covered both academic and administrative support units. Thus far, our work has:

  • Identified $ 5 million for reallocation and reinvestment,
  • guided and facilitated the reorganization of enrollment management, and,
  • laid the groundwork for a comprehensive, holistic review of the university’s academic programs.

Over the last several months we’ve delivered options to your leadership for sustainable change and quick implementation. Some options have been implemented, while others are under consideration. Our focus area reviews to date include:

  • Enrollment Management
  • Student Affairs
  • Marketing and Communications
  • Anderson College of Business and Computing
  • Regis College (including the School for Professional Advancement
  • Rueckert- Hartmann School for Health Professions
  • Advancement
  • University- wide procurement of goods and services

The last round of our work began on July 1st with assessments of Human Resources, Auxiliary Services and Enrollment Services. We will submit diagnostic reports for these focus areas in late August, after which we’ll begin reviewing Financial Affairs and Physical Plant. We’ll deliver the diagnostics for these last two focus areas at the end of September.

During our review of these critical administrative areas, we will seek ways for faculty and staff to visualize improvements, embrace positive changes, and embed new behaviors, always with an eye towards increasing revenues and decreasing costs.

Our team appreciates the collaborative participation among the leadership, faculty, and staff during the review of your marvelous university. Additionally, we acknowledge the time spent by employees who provided information related to their services and functions. The timely cooperation of many individuals across the university enabled our team to move forward efficiently and effectively during the engagement. It’s been our privilege to serve Regis, and we thank you! 

Joseph Garcia

President- Mindstream