Sign up to support our international students

The Office of Global Education and Center for Global Engagement invite faculty and staff to be part of the educational and cultural experience of new international students at Regis University. We are looking for interested faculty and staff to support a new international student for the fall 2023/spring 2024 academic year. As a supportive resource for international students, your role may include enjoying coffee/tea hour with a student, hosting an international student for dinner, answering questions/concerns that a student may have, or just providing general support and encouragement to an international student.  

If you are interested in being part of an international student's Regis experience, please complete the form below. Our offices will review responses and notify you if you have been chosen as an international student support contact. Please complete the form on or before Aug. 17 and direct any questions or inquiries to Lisa Hertel

Thank you for supporting our international students!

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