A Message from President Aceves

Dear Colleagues, 

Let me begin this week's message by thanking you for attending last week's Town Hall. Whether you joined us in person in the Mountain View Room or were part of 150 attendees who watched online, I am glad we were able to come together as a community. Many of you have shared how much you value the opportunity to ask questions on any issue and topic on your mind. As a result, the Senior Leadership Team and I will add two virtual open conversations in addition to our ongoing Town Hall meetings. The first is scheduled for November 10, 2023, from 10:00 to 10:30 a.m., and the second will be on February 14, 2024 from 4:00 to 4:30 p.m. More details will be shared as we get closer to the event.

I find great consolation in the work of the strategic planning committee, its co-chairs, the campus community, and our Board. The thoughtful feedback and robust conversation added to the depth of our work. Regis' action-oriented Plan is unique to us because it is framed around our mission and apostolic identity, committed to delivering a transformative and excellent education, and firm in our resolve to achieve financial and ecological sustainability. Our Plan is further unique to us as we articulate our desires to become the destination for Jesuit Catholic education in the Rocky Mountain region, an Employer of Choice and a Trusted Community Partner.

It is essential to situate the Strategic Plan as part of a culture of planning. Through institutional planning, we can develop strategies, policies, and actions that will help us identify emerging possibilities that move us toward our desired future. Leveraging time and imagination and conversing with our talented faculty and staff allow us to respond promptly and effectively to our changing context. This proactive approach should ensure that we remain competitive, efficient, and responsive to internal and external factors.

Senior Leaders are working on unit plans with colleagues in their departments and/or schools. I expect Senior Leaders to seek feedback from the Strategic Planning Committee. In early January, the Senior Leadership Team will participate in a two-day retreat to present their plans to one another. We will review, discuss, and harmonize the plans vertically and horizontally. Harmonizing plans ensures that they fit together. Once the unit plans are harmonized, we will seek active community involvement to help develop the operational Plan that aligns institutional resources. Performance will be measured against the goals I shared at the Town Hall. Communicating performance will be an essential part of our work. Therefore, we are creating a website where you can visit to review the goals and track progress.

Planning for a hope-filled future is an inspiring journey. It's a vision of possibility, a commitment to resilience, and a belief in the potential for positive change. With thoughtful planning, we can shape a future for Regis that is filled with hope, where our aspirations are transformed into reality. Let's embrace this path with open hearts and minds, knowing our efforts today lay the foundation for a better tomorrow.


Salvador D. Aceves, Ed.D
