ITS to implement reauthentication process for all users

As part of our ongoing commitment to enhancing security measures at Regis University, starting Dec. 1, we are implementing a monthly reauthentication process for all users.

Access to Regis resources is facilitated through three avenues: Desktop applications, Mobile apps, and Cloud apps. Despite collaborative capabilities across these systems, authentication treats them as distinct entities. Consequently, you will be prompted to reauthenticate based on the specific apps you utilize — requiring a separate reauthentication for each.

Here are a few key points to be aware of:

Frequency: The reauthentication will be required once a month, following your initial login.

Supported Environments: This process applies to all environments, including mobile device applications, desktop applications, and cloud-based applications.

Security Benefits: This enhanced security measure ensures a tailored and robust authentication process aligned with the unique attributes of each resource access method. This additional layer of security is crucial in safeguarding your account and the sensitive data you access. Reauthentication also helps ensure that only authorized individuals have continued access to our systems and applications.

We appreciate your understanding and cooperation in adopting these enhanced security measures. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out to our Help Center team at 303-458-4050.