2023 Commencement FAQ

Ceremony Schedule 

Friday, April 28

  • 10 a.m. | Loretto Heights School of Nursing Pinning and Recognition Ceremony | Regis Field House

Saturday, April 29

  • 10 a.m. | Graduate and Doctoral Commencement Ceremony | Boettcher Commons

Sunday, April 30

  • 8 a.m. | Baccalaureate Mass | St. John Francis Regis Chapel
  • 10 a.m. | Undergraduate Commencement Ceremony | Boettcher Commons


All commencement ceremonies are held outdoors — rain or shine. Please dress appropriately for the weather.

Guest seating is unlimited and available on a first-come, first-serve basis. No tickets or RSVPs are necessary. A live stream of each ceremony will be available on our website, and a recording will be made available on our YouTube account within a week of the ceremony.

Graduates must arrive an hour early and check in behind Main Hall before the ceremonies.

Graduates will be provided water, but guests are encouraged to bring their own. Guests will have access to water fountains in Felix Pomponio Science Center, Loyola Hall, and the Student Center.

After each ceremony, a brief reception with champagne and other refreshments will be held.


Transportation and Parking

On-campus parking will be free for our commencement ceremonies. We will also have a shuttle from Lot 6 (W. 50th Ave and Federal Blvd) to our drop-off point in Lot 3. View our parking map for additional information.


Accommodations for Guests

Reserved parking for individuals experiencing disabilities will be available in Lot 3 near Dayton Memorial Library. Guests may drop their loved ones off in Lot 3 (W. 50th Ave and Lowell Blvd), which has direct access to Boettcher Commons. A shuttle will be running from Lot 6 (W. 50th Ave and Federal Blvd) to our drop-off point in Lot 3.

We will do our best to accommodate the needs of individuals who need assistance. We may have a limited ability to transport guests directly to their seats. Most seating is not in the shade, so we encourage guests to bring water, sunscreen and a sunhat.

American Sign Language interpreters will be present at the event.


Frequently Asked Questions for Graduates

What should I bring?

You should be wearing your regalia (cap, gown, tassel, hood) when you arrive. Please do not bring personal items, as there is no place to store bags, extra coats, or other items. Graduates will be provided water.

When should I arrive?

All graduates must arrive an hour before the ceremony starts and check in behind Main Hall (between Main Hall and the Chapel). You should be wearing your regalia (cap, gown, tassel, hood) when you arrive.

Need regalia? Visit the Bookstore in Regis Square by Friday, April 28, to purchase your items, or call 303.458.4150.

Where should graduates check in and line up before the ceremony? 

Students should assemble behind Main Hall (between Main Hall and the Chapel). In the event of inclement weather, students should assemble in the Felix Pomponio Science Center.

What do I need to do to check in?

When graduates arrive at check-in, they should proceed to the designated tables and pick up their marching card, an index card with the student's name on it. Marching cards indicate how the graduate's name will be read during the ceremony. A phonetics table will be set up at the check-in. Once graduates have their cards, they may proceed to the line-up. 

How should graduates line up?

After picking up their marching cards from the appropriate check-in table, graduates should line up with their colleges/programs in rough alphabetical order. Regis University faculty and staff members will assist in organizing prospective graduates into four lines according to the following order: 

What happens during the ceremony? 

At the appropriate time during the ceremony, the processional marshal will direct each row of prospective graduates to stand. Students will then proceed to the right side of the stage and line up on the ramp.

When queued, each student will enter the stage area and hand their marching card (received at check-in/line-up) to the person at the podium.

As the student's name is read, the student will proceed to the center of the stage to accept his or her diploma cover from the president and shake his hand. Students will exit the stage on the left side. Ushers will be available to direct students back to their seats.

How do I wear my cap, gown, hood and/or tassel?

The following protocol should be followed: 

  • Caps should be worn with the mortarboard level on the head. Men should remove their caps for invocation and benediction.
  • Tassels are worn on the right side during the ceremony. After the conferring of degrees by the University president, tassels should be moved to the left.
  • Graduate students will be assisted at line-up with the correct placement of their graduate hoods. Rueckert-Hartman doctoral students will be hooded by the Dean of their respective schools on stage.

Caps and gowns may be ordered through the Regis Bookstore, or you can order regalia at line-up. Graduates keep their regalia — they do not need to turn it in. 

Where can I order photos from my ceremony?

Graduates can purchase professional pictures from the ceremony through our third-party vendor, TheGradTeam. Photos will be available two or three weeks after the ceremonies.

Regis University does not process photo orders, nor can we help you identify whether your order has been processed. If you have questions about your photos, please contact TheGradTeam directly here.

Where can I purchase a recording of my ceremony? 

A recording of each ceremony will be made available on our YouTube account and regis.edu/commencement within a week of the ceremony.

Where can I find a commencement program?

Due to our commitment to Laudato Si' and our efforts to be more sustainable, graduates and guests may access the program on their smartphones at regis.edu/commencement. The program will be made available online on Friday, April 28.

When will the program be available on the website?

The program will be made available on Friday, April 28, at regis.edu/commencement.

Why isn't my name in the digital program?

If you submitted a graduation application after the initial due date of January 21 your name is not guaranteed to be in the program. If you submitted a graduation application after February 10, your name is most likely not present in the program as we have only a limited time to design and publish the digital program. 


Frequently Asked Questions for Guests

Where are the restrooms?

Restrooms will be open and available in Felix Pomponio Science Center, Loyola Hall, and the Student Center. Guests will have access to water fountains in each of these buildings and are encouraged to bring their own water. Need help locating one of these buildings? View a map of our campus here.

Will we be able to live stream the ceremony?

A live stream of the ceremony will be available on regis.edu/commencement during the time of the ceremony. The ceremony program will also be online.

Where can I find a commencement program?

Due to our commitment to Laudato Si' and our efforts to be more sustainable, graduates and guests may access the program on their smartphones at regis.edu/commencement. The program will be made available online on Friday, April 28.

When will the program be available on the website?

The program will be available on Friday, April 28, at regis.edu/commencement.

Why can't I find my graduate's name in the digital program?

If a graduate submits a graduation application after the initial due date of January 21 their name is not guaranteed to be in the program. If a graduate submits a graduation application after February 10, their name is most likely not present in the program as we have only a limited time to design and publish the digital program.

Where can I order photos from my ceremony?

Graduates can purchase professional pictures from the ceremony through our third-party vendor, TheGradTeam. Photos will be available two or three weeks after the ceremonies.

Regis University does not process photo orders, nor can we help you identify whether your order has been processed. If you have questions about your photos, please contact TheGradTeam directly here.

Where can we purchase a recording of the ceremony?

A recording of each ceremony will be made available on our YouTube account and regis.edu/commencement within a week of the ceremony.



For additional questions related to Commencement, please email commencement@regis.edu

Commencement and graduation are not mutually inclusive. Commencing does not guarantee graduation and vice versa. Contact your academic advisor with any questions about your degree requirements and completion.


Keep the Celebration Going

Regis has created a digital toolkit so our graduates, family and community can cheer on our new Ranger alumni as they start their next chapter

Graduation Toolkit