A Message from President Aceves: Offering Support to Turkey and Syria

Dear Colleagues,

A tragic disaster has affected thousands of people in Turkey and Syria. The February 6 earthquake that struck has caused the deaths of thousands and injured many more. In these incredibly difficult times where many of us cannot travel to help those in need, we can still do our part. We can follow the example of Pope Francis who has asked for everyone to pray for those lives lost and for those injured and the many others suffering. We also pray for the safety and protection of emergency personnel working to save lives and tending to those in need in the wake of this disaster. We have fellow Jesuits who are in those countries and who face the difficult task of helping those in need and re-building their communities in areas deeply affected.

At this time, I encourage you to take the time to pray for the thousands of people who have lost loved ones and are facing an uncertain future.

Good and generous God, bring relief and consolation to those suffering from the earthquake in Turkey and Syria. Protect those who remain in harm’s way. Grant eternal rest to those who have perished and console the bereaved. Hasten the relief efforts. And fill us with hope in the midst of our sorrow and desolation. – Rev. Thomas B. Curran, S.J.

While we are unable to be there in person to help those in need, we can do our part in helping with the relief efforts. If you are able, we hope you will consider donating to one of these or the many organizations doing their part to help with this humanitarian crisis.

Jesuit Refugee Service: https://jrs.net/en/news/syria-earthquake/

Catholic Relief Services:  https://support.crs.org/donate/earthquakes?ms=agicrs2023eqk00her00

Turkish American Cultural Society of Colorado (TACSCO):https://www.facebook.com/TACSCO/

We are grateful to you, our generous and compassionate community, for your continued prayers and support for the people of Turkey and Syria.



Salvador D. Aceves, Ed.D



Onlookers survey damage in Turkey.

Mourning for Those in Turkey and Syria

Director of First Year Experience and Professor Jason Taylor wrote a reflection in remembrance of the victims. Read it here.