Regis University to restart the Colorado Chapter for Strategy Professionals

Anderson College of Business and Computing has been invited by the International Association for Strategy Professionals (IASP) to restart the Colorado Chapter for Strategy Professionals. The vision is to make this a global chapter where we have representation worldwide. Here is our progress:  

  • We have significant interest from many local and regional companies and their directors of strategy to join the chapter as well as partners to share current tools and resources used in the strategic planning process.  They are also eager to share case studies where they have worked with clients.
  • We are in the process of interviewing an officer for the chapter, a VP for Programs. Once that role is filled, we will launch the chapter with expectations to launch by the end of October.

If you desire to learn more about Strategic Management or currently work in strategy and want to network, advance your career, and share your knowledge, best practices, and required skills, please email graduate business lecturer Tom Yagos at

Current students in the MBA, MSOL and MNM programs are all welcome and will have the opportunity to build a network and deepen their understanding of the strategy process. Organizations are searching for employees with the knowledge and skills to be part of the team. In addition, we are working with IASP to develop a certification for strategy professionals in the field.

For additional details such as meeting dates, events, and registration information, email Tom Yagos at