HR shares student employment updates

Greetings from your Student Employment Team! We hope you’ve all had some restful time off this summer. The 2024/25 academic year is nearly upon us and we wanted to check in regarding student employment for the end of summer and for this fall.  


  1. The last day students can work in summer positions is Aug. 16. Please remind student employees to enter their hours worked no later than Aug. 16 so supervisors can approve summer hours as soon as possible.


  1. All student positions from AY23/24 will close, so you must submit a new job req for all student positions even if you know you will be hiring the same students.
  2. You may begin submitting job reqs for fall positions on July 1. Please see supporting materials that are attached to this email or click on this link to the Student Employment sharepoint folder.
  3. The pay rate for work-study positions will remain $18.30. If Denver raises the minimum wage again we will let you know when the new pay rate goes into effect.

We will host an online series of student employment information sessions for supervisors from mid-July through August (see below for scheduled meetings). Come walk through how to create a job req and get all your student employment questions answered! We will be emailing the meeting link to student supervisors soon, so be on the lookout.

July 16 Tuesday 10 a.m.

Aug. 6 Tuesday 10 a.m.

Aug. 15  Thursday 2 p.m.

Aug. 20  Tuesday 10 a.m.

Aug. 29  Thursday 2 p.m.

If you have questions or need assistance, you can always reach us at 303-458-4161 or via email at

We look forward to working with you and your student employees in the coming year.