A Letter from Dr. Jake Bucher

“May Flowers”

In one of my first communications to the community, I referenced a Miley Cyrus song (“The Climb”), which both risks isolating those not familiar with her music, and risks outing myself as someone who is familiar with her music. I figured it would be fitting to come full circle in my last newsletter of the academic year and reference a recent song of hers that utilizes a current phrase in our cultural zeitgeist of “giving people their flowers” (giving compliments and showing respect). As I reflect on my first year as your Provost, I have so many flowers to give – far too many for my normal 500-word count.

Thank you for your continued commitment to students. There is not a meeting I am in or a conversation I have about our work where colleagues do not bring the focus back to students. This commitment is so powerfully evident in my conversations with students. It is perhaps my favorite thing that when I talk to students and I get to hear about this faculty member, or that staff member, who is individually having the transformative impact on the student. I return to my “hippopotami” reference from a past newsletter, we all could certainly impact students at other institutions where both the institutions and students have more resources, but we cannot effect transformation like we do here. This extends more broadly to the support of our mission and imbedded values. I am so impressed by, and grateful for, the accountability each person takes in embodying and living the mission in their work.

Thank you for your resilience and compassion. I’ve learned that Regis has a history of some unique and difficult years, and this year at least fits in that history, if not setting a new benchmark of uniqueness and difficulty. We tragically lost three students this year, and we had – even in our diverse history – what were unprecedented fiscal, personnel, and operational changes. I’ll save my reiteration of hope and confidence for the “proceeding thoughts”, and rather just commend and thank you all for the resilience, adaptability, and compassion as we got ourselves and each other through the year.

Finally, thank you for YOU. The Regis community is filled with faculty and staff with immense talents, impactful productivity, innovative ideas, resourcefulness, a wonderful balance of humble selflessness and thoughtful self-advocacy, and a beautiful blend of personalities, backgrounds and personal contexts, interests, perspectives, and contributions. Regis is Regis because of you all and your strong and high-quality work and engagement. I am thankful to know you and proud to work with you, and you deserve all the flowers!