Announcements and Events

Please send any accomplishments, announcements, etc. to or directly to Jake Bucher.

  • Please mark your calendars for Aug. 16 for our annual workshop to kick-off the academic year. This workshop will focus on the evolving needs of our students. Have you noticed that more of your students seem to struggle with time management and organization of themselves and their bodies this past year? Our campus suffered from several tragedies this past year – did you discuss them in class? With student groups? How do you decide when and what to bring up? Our workshop will have sessions addressing these issues along with others to include supporting our undocumented students, working with student emotions and activism as we move into election season, culturally-responsive student support, meeting the needs of online students, and trauma-informed student support.

While we will have some external experts leading some sessions, we also want to engage with our internal experts as well. If you have an interest in a presentation/workshop related to any of the above topics (or related others), please send a proposed session to the Provost by June 15. This does not need to be a fully developed proposal, merely a brief summary of the intended topic and goals.

Please note that faculty attendance is expected, and staff attendance is absolutely welcomed!


  • Congratulations to Ira Gorman, RHCHP, who has been selected as a 2024 Catherine Worthingham Fellow of the American Physical Therapy Association. This is the highest honor conferred by the profession and recognizes “A physical therapist or life physical therapist member of the association whose contributions to the profession through leadership, influence, and achievements demonstrates frequent and sustained efforts to advance the profession for a period of not less than 15 years preceding the nomination for election.
  • Shout-out to Gena Nichols, Julie Sriken, and Allyson Sterling, Regis College, for receiving a National Science Foundation (NSF) grant for “Establishing a High Impact Undergraduate STEM Summer Research Experience Early in College that Leads to Improved Student Outcomes”.
  • Congratulations to Hannah Miller, Dayton Memorial Library, who was honored at this year’s Lavender Graduation ceremony for exemplifying the Queer Resources Alliance’s mission of creating an inclusive, equitable, and supportive environment for Regis University members of all orientations and gender identities. Hannah is recognized for developing the Regis Inclusive Archives and specifically for the LGBTQIA+ and Queer Experience Collections. At every step of the program, Hannah educates about reparative archival description, representational belonging in archives, and community building. Hannah consistently works to center LGBTQIA+ histories, creating powerful spaces of resistance to invisibility and homo- and transphobia by providing access to queer narratives and defending these stories from systemic erasure. Her efforts create belongingness for queer/ally Regis and promote a more accurate and inclusive history of our university community.
  • A reminder about the AJCU Diversity and Equity Conference, hosted by Regis on June 9-12. Please consider joining sessions and our Keynote, Dr. Gina Garcia.
  • Shout-out to Amy Schreier, Regis College, for the following recent publications (*please note that the second piece was co-authored by a Regis alum!).
    • Schreier, A.L., Johnson, C.E., Wasserman, M.D., Bolt, L.M. (2024). Mantled howler monkey (Alouatta palliata) demographic structure in a continuous forest compared to a small forest fragment in Costa Rica. Primate Conservation, 37, 35-44. DOI:
    •  Bolt, L.M., Owens-Crux, J.L., Grant, M.T., Coggeshall, E.M.C., Russell, D.G., Merrigan-Johnson, C., Jacobson, Z.S., Schmidt, Z.T., *Kaser, F.V.E., Schreier, A.L. (2024). Edge effects and social behavior in three platyrrhines. American Journal of Primatology, e23610, 1-11.
    • Eppley, T.M., Reuter, K., Sefcek, T., Tinsman, J., Mittermeier, R., … Schreier, A.L., Wright, P. (2024). Field stations yield high return on investment for conservation in a time of crises. Conservation Letters.
    • Johnson, C.E., Schreier, A.L., Vargas, O., Wasserman, W.D. (2024). The mantled howler monkey (Alouatta palliata) population at La Selva Research Station, Costa Rica: Comparing censuses in 1992 and 2022. International Journal of Primatology.
  • Regis University's Mathematics and Physics/Astronomy departments have joined forces to create a new AMP Department: Astronomy, Mathematics, and Physics.  The new department will offer majors in Computational Physics, Mathematics, and Physics, as well as minors in Mathematics and Physics.  It also hosts pre-engineering advising, both for our dual-degree partnership with the McKelvey School of Engineering at Washington University in St. Louis and for other pathways to engineering careers.
  • In April, Becky Vartabedian, Regis College, gave an "Offbeat Tour" (a short collaborative lecture on four pieces) as part of the Denver Art Museum's "Untitled: Artist Takeover" event with Dr. Craig Svonkin (MSU Denver).