Announcements and Events

Please send any accomplishments, announcements, etc. to or directly to Jake Bucher.

  • I look forward to seeing you all at our workshop tomorrow. The theme of our sessions is indeed related to the context influencing our teaching and learning at Regis. Please note that faculty attendance is expected, and staff attendance is absolutely welcomed!


  • Please save the date for Aug. 30 at 9:30 a.m. for our Fall Convocation. This is an opportunity for us to welcome all new students to Regis, and to kick-off our academic year. Also, a note that we are hoping to hold a Spring Convocation this year, please share any ideas/suggestions about positive ways we can use such an event.


  • The Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusive Excellence is now the Community for Belonging and Equity (CoBE). New to the community are Student Disability Services and Military/Veteran Services.


  • Student Health and Wellness has been integrated with Rueckert-Hartman College of Health Professions (RHCHP). More details will be shared in the coming weeks, but rest assured that students will now have the same/enhanced medical services, increased counseling services, and our RHCHP colleagues and students will have increased clinical opportunities.


  • Campus Safety news – Ed Perez is now the Director of Campus Safety; Campus Safety has almost completed their move to West Hall; and this Fall we will be launching a Campus Safety Community group to collaborate and engage with Campus Safety. Please reach out to the Provost directly if you are interested in participating in such a group.


  • Ling Thompson and Jonnia Torres Carolan are revising their portfolios from solely Instructional Design expertise to broader teaching and learning excellence. Faculty can still work with Ling and Jonnia on instructional-design efforts, but they will also be providing resources, training, and supports across a range of teaching and learning developments.


  • Thanks and congratulations to Gena Nichols, the new Director of URISE.


  • The University has partnered with EAB and McAllister & Quinn. The former has a variety of resources that all faculty and staff have access to via The latter is a grant partner who will help us in the pursuit of transformative grant obtainment.

  • This year the Provost Office will begin 360-degree leadership reviews. These will be on a staggered rotation, and we will be soliciting feedback from appropriate faculty and staff.


  • Please note that the Mass of the Holy Spirit will be on Sept. 5. We will not officially be closing campus, but all faculty are encouraged to provide space/leniency for students who may wish to attend and will need to miss class to do so.

RUAC updates: 
  • A MS in Drug Development was approved to be delivered in the School of Pharmacy.
  • The School of Mental and Behavioral Health is now the School of Mental and Behavioral Health.
  • The School of Physical Therapy is now the School of Rehabilitative and Health Sciences.


  • The Colorado and Wyoming Network of Women Leaders is accepting nominations for their 38thannual Academic Management Institute. If you would like to learn more, and/or be considered for nomination, please reach out to the Provost directly.


  • Some recent successes out of the Regis College English Department. Alyse Knorr was a finalist for a major poetry award this summer and has a new book coming out this September. Both Drs. Kate Partridge and Scott Dimovitz have received favorable reviews recently of their books. Alum Kateri Kramer just published a children’s book with former Regis Professor David Hicks


  • Congratulations to Steve Green (Anderson) for the publication of his paper, “An Intentionally Designed Sustainability Course: Integrating Service-Learning and Community Engagement into Sustainability Education” in the Journal of Sustainability Education.


  • Jenna Martin (Regis College) recently had an article from her dissertation published: Martin, J. C., & Bianco, M. (2024). “Developing critically conscious, Latinx preservice teachers: Teaching as social justice.” The Urban Review.


  • Congratulations to Mycah Harrold (Anderson) for the publication of her book chapter, “Gender and Consumer Well-Being” in F. Somnez (Ed.), Fostering Consumer Wellbeing: Theory, Evidence, and Policy.

  • Amy Hezel (Dayton Memorial Library) presented “’Mysterious and slightly furtive’: Circulating Material in Nella Larsen’s Passing” at the Society for History, Authorship, Reading, and Publishing (SHARP) Annual conference.


  • Julie Sriken (Regis College) was accepted to the National Science Foundation's Build and Broaden Program.  The Build and Broaden program supports cutting-edge research, training opportunities and new research infrastructure in the social, behavioral and economic sciences at MSIs. 


  • Congratulations to Kellen Sorauf (Anderson)who presented his research, “Modeling Scope 3 Green House Gas Emissions” at the International Association of Jesuit Business Schools (IAJBS) conference in Sydney, Australia.


  • In July, Jake Bucher presented a webinar for the National Organization of Victim Assistance on “Inclusive Masculinity: Working through the masculine resistance to advocacy.”


  • Congratulations to Ksenia Polson (Anderson) who presented her paper, “Using Real-world Case Studies to Learn Ethics: Students Share Own Stories in Class" at the Management and Organizational Behavior Teaching Society's conference in Salem, MA.


  • Roberta Mancuso (Regis College) had her article published: Mancuso, R.A., Ross, K.M., Accortt, E., Coussons-Read, M., Okun, M.L., Irwin, J., Carroll, J., Hobel, C.J., & Dunkel Schetter, C. (2024). “Prenatal mood and anxiety disorders and associated cytokine changes.”Journal of Affective Disorders.


  • Congratulations to David Bauman (Anderson) who presented his paper, “Is Fairness Creating Injustice in AI Systems.” at the Philosophy of Management Conference 2024, and for his paper, “You Can’t Say That.’ An Account of Speech Rights and Limits in Organizations.” at the Philosophy and Legal Theory Collaborative Workshop.


  • Melissa Nix (Regis College) and Jake Bucher participated in the 21st Migrant Trail Walk in May/June. The 75-mile walk through the Arizona desert is done in solidarity with those who have lost their lives on that journey.


  • Various programs in RHCHP provided a summer camp for students with an interest in particular health fields. This was a resounding success that provided great learning for students and great reputation building for RHCHP and Regis.


  • Patricia Cullen (RHCHP) was selected as the 2024 recipient of the Loretta C. Ford Lifetime Achievement Award.

  • Congratulations to Rick Blumenthal (Anderson) on being appointed Co-Editor of the Association of Computing Machinery (ACM) publication, ACM Inroads. The magazine serves to share insights into theory and practice of computing education.


  • Ken Sagendorf (Anderson) will be part of an international panel presenting on the topic of “Creating Business Education for Sustainability in One Year ‘For Free’” at the Academy of Management’s 84th Annual Meeting in Chicago later in August. 


Apologies for any greatness that is left out, a lot has happened since May that I may not be aware of – but I am grateful for and celebrate all achievements!