Restricted Door Access

Dear Regis Community,

Effective on August 26, 2024, the first day of classes for the Fall semester, certain buildings on campus will begin restricted access entry. What this means is that a limited number of doors on each building will be unlocked during business hours to permit access to the public. All other doors will be locked at all times. The reason for this is to limit the number of access points to assist in preventing unauthorized entry and to assist with securing the building during a critical incident such as an active shooter on campus. The buildings affected will be:

Coors Life Direction Center (LDC)
Clarke Hall
Pomponio Science Building
Carroll Hall

Physical Plant and Campus Safety administrators will analyze each building to determine which doors should be locked and which should remain open to access the building. Please note, all doors will remain available for exiting the building in an emergency, and all fire codes will be adhered to as well as the applicable provisions of the Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA).

The doors that are determined to be the ones that should be locked will be marked as such and directions to the access point will be given. A prominent “Alert! No access…” sign bearing a QR code will be place next to each locked entrance at the exterior of the building. The QR code will provide directions to the building’s designated entrances via a PDF map download. (Please see included attachments for pictures of the sign and an example of the map provided.). The contact number for Campus Safety will also be provided.

The University implemented the first phase of this project at the beginning of Spring semester 2024 when Claver Hall and Loyola Hall were placed on restricted access as a pilot program. There were no problems that arose as a result of implementing this project and little negative feedback. The feedback we did have was valued and reviewed under the consideration of lowering the University risk as a key parameter. The University will proceed to the third phase of this project in the beginning of Spring semester 2025 when the majority of the remaining buildings on campus will be placed on restricted access.

We appreciate the cooperation and assistance of the Regis community in our efforts to enhance safety while balancing the ability of the community to access and use our facilities.

Your Friends in the Physical Plant