Get Ready for Cold Weather
Over the upcoming holiday weekend, our area will experience extreme cold temperatures and wind chill conditions. Campus heating and ventilation systems are designed to efficiently provide comfort within a certain temperature range based on outside air temperatures. Therefore, in extreme cold periods with wind effects, the heating systems may not be capable of providing heat within your preferred comfort range. Please keep this in mind and dress accordingly, even when indoors. Please also know that north-facing parts of our facilities will get cold-soaked and have extreme room temperature differences due to north-facing exposure.
If you notice any water leaks or sewer stoppages, please contact us in Physical Plant at 303.458.4944 during normal business hours. After hours and on Martin Luther King Day, report these issues by calling Campus Safety at 303.458.4122. These incidents could be indications of frozen pipes. The sooner we know about an issue, the less inconvenience to the campus community.
Physical Plant will respond to issues on a priority basis, meaning that life, safety or facility degradation from leaks or wind will be responded to first. With our expected temperatures, cold calls will be a much lower priority. We will also address our residential student and academic classroom needs with a higher priority.
Please remember personal space heaters are not approved for use, are very often the cause of winter fires, and are not to be used within campus facilities unless provided by Physical Plant.
Please use common sense and exercise caution when walking during inclement weather because the industry maintenance standards for snow removal differ between sidewalks and parking lots. Wear proper footwear and do not obstruct your views when walking on surfaces.
Regis has many individuals coming by car to the campus. During extremely cold weather, your battery must be in good working order and vehicle fluids must be full. Be prepared if circumstances warrant an extended time in your vehicle. Have the necessary equipment to stay warm in case of an emergency.
To close, what is most important is to stay safe, dress in layers and remember to protect the exposed surfaces on your body from freezing.
From the Staff of the Physical Plant