Campus Safety
The Regis University Department of Campus Safety will strive to improve the educational experience of all members of the University community by providing for their safety, security and assistance needs, by being the leading innovators of new ideas and by setting the standards in campus safety.
Campus Safety Services
Campus Safety is happy to assist the Regis community in any way possible. In addition to regularly patrolling the Northwest Denver Campus to ensure everyone's safety and security, Campus Safety can also assist with the following:
- Lost and Found
The Campus Safety Office houses all of Regis' lost and found. Visit us at Regis Square to see if your object was found. - Car Battery Jump Services
Campus Safety can help you jump your car battery between 5 p.m. and 8 a.m. Monday through Friday, or anytime Saturday or Sunday. Prior to assistance, you will need to fill out and sign a liability waiver. - Office or Classroom Lockouts
If you find yourself locked out of an office or classroom, Campus Safety can let you in. Call the main campus safety line at 303.458.4122 and an officer will assist you. Please have your Regis ID available.
Emergency and Crisis Management Response Classroom Guide
View and print a copy of this helpful guide for your classroom.
All RegisNet users are automatically enrolled to receive real-time campus safety updates via email. We highly recommend that all university staff, faculty and students also sign up to receive RU Alerts via text message and/or voicemail. To update your profile, click the link above and sign in with your RegisNet account. Add your phone number to your profile and select "Allow Regroup to send me voice and text messages." Within your RU Alerts profile, you can also add the Thornton group to receive alerts about those campuses.
Alerts now available in Spanish, other languages.
Regis University Campus Safety is excited to announce that users can now opt to receive RU Alerts in Spanish and several other language other than English. RU Alerts can now be delivered in many languages, including:
Spanish, French, Chinese, Portuguese, Vietnamese, Korean, Irish, German, Arabic, Russian
If you prefer English, you do not need to do anything. If you want to select a different language, log into your RU Alert profile at regis.edu/campussafety. Click “edit profile” then scroll to settings and select “preferred language.” This will display available languages to select. Note that once you have selected a language, all RU Alerts in text and email will be sent in that language, the system does not support sending alerts in two languages. Some of the languages, including Spanish, are available for phone calls but not all the languages. Please note that auto translation is used to produce the non-English alerts.
La Seguridad del Campus de la Universidad Regis se complace en anunciar que los usuarios ahora pueden optar por recibir Alertas RU en español y varios otros idiomas además del inglés. Las Alertas RU ahora se pueden enviar en varios idiomas incluyendo:
Español, Francés, Francés Canadiense, Chino Simplificado, Chino Tradicional, Portugués, Vietnamita, Coreano, Alemán, Árabe, Ruso
Si prefieres el inglés, no necesitas hacer nada. Si deseas seleccionar un idioma diferente, ingresa a tu perfil de Alerta RU en regis.edu/campussafety. Haz clic en "editar perfil", luego desplázate hasta "configuración" y selecciona "idioma preferido”. Esto mostrará los idiomas disponibles para seleccionar. Ten en cuenta que una vez que hayas seleccionado un idioma, todas las Alertas RU por mensaje de texto y correo electrónico se enviarán en ese idioma. El sistema no admite el envío de alertas en dos idiomas. Algunos de los idiomas, incluido el español, están disponibles para llamadas telefónicas, pero no todos los idiomas. Ten en cuenta que se utiliza la traducción automática para producir las alertas en idiomas que no son en inglés.
Inclement Weather Procedure
When inclement weather is anticipated, decisions concerning campus closure or delay of opening are made prior to 5 a.m. to communicate information via RUAlerts and the local media so students and staff will be able to plan accordingly.
Information from various sources is used to determine the need for a closure or late opening of the campuses. Among the sources are National Weather Service forecasts, local news broadcasts, advisories issued by area law enforcement agencies or CDOT, and first-hand information from personnel at the campuses.