Campus Purification Ceremony

The Offices of University Ministry, Diversity and Student Affairs invite you to a traditional Purification Ceremony conducted by Chief Lee Plenty Wolf, Oglala Lakota medicine man, spiritual leader and friend of Regis, on Monday, Nov. 6 at 4 p.m.

This ceremony is offered in response to student requests for a campus-wide blessing after our community experienced multiple tragedies, in honor and celebration of Indigenous Heritage and Identities, and in gratitude for the generosity of the Indigenous community in our midst.

All are welcome to gather in the space between West Hall and the Student Center at 4 p.m. on Monday, Nov. 6. While the sun is setting, the gathered will walk and pray for blessing, protection and purification at all four corners of the campus. Please join us and remember to wear appropriate clothing and footwear to walk and pray across campus.