Title IX and Regis’ Non-Discrimination, Sexual Misconduct and Retaliation Policy Updates

Regis welcomes Interim Title IX and EO Coordinator, Brittany Gates! Brittany is a consultant out of Institutional Compliance Solutions (ICS), a firm of attorneys who specialize in Title IX services. Brittany brings over ten years of experience, including time as a coordinator at a small private religious institution, to the position at Regis. Brittany can be reached at titleix@regis.edu or 303-964-6435. Brittany will be focusing on coordinating investigations and providing supportive measures to those individuals who contact her office. In this interim time, we ask departments to contact jramsel@regis.edu for pre-recorded Title IX and antidiscrimination trainings for your departments or classes. Regis plans to open the search for a full-time coordinator within the next three months.

Brittany takes over at the departure of previous EO & Title IX Coordinator, Kassandra Alberico. Kassandra has accepted a position at UC-Santa Cruz, where she will continue to work in the Title IX space. Regis is extremely grateful for Kassandra’s service, including such highlights as the creation of the Title IX Working Group, the Self Defense Series, and service on too many committees and hiring panels to count. She will be greatly missed by the many friends, coworkers, and students she served these past two years. We wish Kassandra all the best in her transition. She will always have a home at Regis.

Regis’ Non-Discrimination, Sexual Misconduct and Retaliation Policy has also received a refresh! Regis was charged with updating its policy to reflect mandated changes under the revised 2024 Title IX regulations, which will be reflected online shortly. Although procedures and responsibilities are largely untouched, you may notice the addition of some new definitions, or different descriptions of reporting responsibilities. While the Title IX Coordinator continues to have responsibility for implementing the policy, all employees have the following reporting responsibilities:

All Community Members. it is the responsibility of every member of the university community to foster an environment free from Discrimination, Harassment, Sexual Misconduct, and Retaliation. Colorado law requires that anyone who has reason to believe a minor (17 years of age or less) has been sexually assaulted immediately report the matter to the Denver Police Department or other local law enforcement.

Employees. All Regis University Employees (except for Confidential or Privileged Employees) are considered Responsible Employees. Responsible Employees have a duty to promptly report when the Responsible Employee knows or of a possible incident of discrimination, harassment, or sexual misconduct. Failure to report constitutes a violation of this policy and may subject the violator to disciplinary action. Confidential or Privileged Employees who are not Responsible Employees are required to explain their confidential status by stating they are not required to disclose to the Title IX & EO Coordinator (TIXC). The Confidential or Privileged employee must then provide contact information for the TIXC to the reporting party and explain the TIXC’s ability to offer and implement Supportive Measures.

Student Employees. Student employees, including graduate assistants and teaching assistants, are required to promptly report allegations of prohibited conduct that is discovered within the course and scope of their University employment. Failure to report constitutes a violation of this Policy and may subject the violator to disciplinary action.

Students. Students are encouraged to report knowledge of prohibited conduct.