Leaving for Christmas Break? Do this first!
In the interest of safety and sustainable conservation practices, Regis University Physical Plant is asking that all members of the Regis community play their part in turning off (and unplugging where practical) any:
- Refrigerators – Empty (food and ice) breakroom and personal/office fridges.
- Electronic devices – Lamps, speakers etc.
- Equipment – Computers and other machinery (put computers into sleep mode so that updates are received over break)
- Decorations – Lights, motion sensor toys, etc.
within their general and office spaces when leaving campus for the holiday break later this month (between Christmas and New Year’s).
Please note that from the morning of Dec. 16, Physical Plant staff will begin conducting the annual holiday “energy conservation audit” to check all spaces across campus. The goal is to power down and unplug energy-drawing devices for the “Gift of Time” where feasible. Non-essential devices found “powered on” during this time will be turned off for the campus closure. This audit will also include checking that all electrical appliance policies are being adhered to. For example, extension cords must be U/L rated with surge protection and no personal space heaters should be present.
As a reminder, space heaters are not authorized unless provided by Physical Plant as emergency response to cold calls. Unauthorized/prohibited items and appliances will likely be confiscated and held for pick-up by the EHSO if observed.
Finally, please close windows and turn blind blades all the way upwards to assist in retaining building heat over the break.
If you manage an area that requires specific equipment to remain on, please contact the EHSO Lindiwei Farrow-Harris at lfarrowharris@regis.edu with the equipment's name, location, and a few details on why it must remain on. Please only make such a request if truly necessary.
The research labs in Claver Hall and Pomponio Science Building, including the animal house, will not be affected. O’Connell Hall ITS area will not be affected either.