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Human Subjects Institutional Review Board (IRB)

The purpose of the Regis University Institutional Review Board (IRB) is to protect the rights and welfare of participants in research projects as required by federal regulations. The IRB has the authority to approve, require modifications in (to secure approval), or disapprove research based on its review.

In conducting the review the IRB assures that:  
  • Risks to participants are minimized by using procedures consistent with sound research design and which do not unnecessarily expose participants to risk, and whenever appropriate, by using procedures already being performed on the participants for diagnostic or treatment purposes.
  • Risks to participants are reasonable in relation to anticipated benefits, if any, to participants, and the importance of the knowledge that may be expected to result.
  • The selection of participants is equitable.
  • Where appropriate, the research plan makes adequate provision for monitoring the data collected to ensure the safety of participants.
  • There are adequate provisions to protect the privacy of participants and to maintain the confidentiality of data

IRB Contact Information

Materials, Resources and Forms

Fillable forms are available in IRBNet by clicking on the 'Forms and Templates' button.

Adverse Event Form - Report any adverse events to IRB using this form. If unsure, err on the side of caution and report the event.

Debriefing Form Template - This form should be used for studies involving deception or to educate by participants about information or resources not provided in the original informed consent document.

Exempt Application - Use this form or the Expedited/Full-Board Application Form when starting a new human subjects research project.

Expedited Full Board Application - Use this form or the Exempt Application Form when starting a new human subjects research project.

Modification and/or Continuation Form - Use this form to make modifications to a previously approved IRB study or to extend the expiration date of a study currently in progress.

New Protocol Reviewer Form - This details the criteria IRB reviewers use when evaluating a study.

Pre-Approved Study Protocol (PASP) Form - Use when an investigator and/or research group intends to use the same methods/recruitment/protocols on a routine basis.

Project Closure Form Study - Closure forms should be submitted in IRBNet upon completion of your project.

Quality Improvement (QI) versus Research - Overview of the differences between Quality Improvement and Research.

sIRB Authorization Agreement - Use this form when multiple organizations are engaged in the same research project, but only need one IRB

IRBNet Training

New User Registration

Beginning Researcher

For Researchers new to IRBNet

Subsequent/Revised Packages

Instructions for modifications required for approval, continuing reviews, changes to the study team, etc.

Training Videos

IRBNet Training Videos include:

  • 9 minute Instructional Video for New Project Submission
  • 7 minute Instructional Video for Post-Submission Advanced Topics
  • User name: regis
  • Password: training
Additional Resources

Need further assistance? 

Contact to evaluate additional training options 

CITI provides peer-reviewed, web-based educational courses in research, responsible conduct of research, and other pertinent topics.  CITI Login Instruction Guide

Regis University requires the following criteria for IRB members, faculty, staff, and students involved in research involving human subjects (certificates are valid for three years after completion of all required modules).

  • Regis University students participating in research method classes, capstone classes, and allied course work that involves data gathering from primary sources be currently CITI certified at the level appropriate to the research. CITI requirements, as of January 15, 2019, are detailed in the "CITI Human Subjects Requirements" CITI completion reports (which detail the course transcript, the date the course was taken, and the score received) should be submitted as documentation. CITI completion certificates, or CITI "diplomas" are not acceptable documentation of CITI training. Instructions for attaching CITI completion report in IRBNet
  • Regis University Faculty teaching research method classes, capstone classes, and allied course work that involve data gathering from primary sources ("live" human beings, human tissue samples, or privacy protected records/documents) be currently CITI certified at the level relevant to the research (social-behavioral and/or biomedical certification).  CITI requirements, as of January15, 2019, are detailed in the  CITI Human Subjects Requirements" document. Instructions for attaching CITI completion report in IRBNet
  • Regis University IRB members are required to have completed both social-behavioral and biomedical CITI certification as well as any other CITI training as required by the IRB Chair. A 30-day grace period is provided for members whose certifications are expiring.


Assent Form (Parent/Guardian) Template

 Sample parental consent for research studies that involve participants under the age of 18 

Cover Letter for Anonymous Surveys

Informed consent cover letter for anonymous surveys or research when signed consent is waived

Debriefing Form

Sample debriefing form for research that involves deception. 

HIPAA Authorization Form (Sample)

Sample HIPAA release for research

Informed Consent Template

Basic informed consent document for participants over the age of 18

Informed Consent for Minors Template

Basic informed consent document for participants under the age of 18

Recruitment Email 

Sample email for recruiting adult participants

Recruitment Flyer

Sample flyer for posting research study around campus, etc.

Required Elements of Informed Consent

This document lists the bare minimum for an informed consent

Site Approval Sample

Sample site approval letter to be used for participants outside of Regis

IRB Members

Area Represented   

Member Name 

Member Type 


Anderson College of Business and Computing

 Shari Plantz-Masters


Ph.D. – Business Administration 

Anderson College of Business and Computing

Stephen Kirkman


Ph.D. – Computer Engineering

Regis College  

Rebecca Betjemann 


Ph.D.— Cognitive Psychology; Chair 

Regis College

Jeanine Coleman


 Ph.D. – Child, Family, and School Psychology

Regis College

Roberta Mancuso


Ph.D. – Social Psychology

Rueckert-Hartman College for Health Professions  

Lora Claywell 


Ph.D. – Education

Rueckert-Hartman College for Health Professions 

Stephanie James


Ph.D. – Biology/Biological Education

Rueckert-Hartman College for Health Professions 

Laura LaPorta


Ph.D. – Physical Therapy

Rueckert-Hartman College for Health Professions 

 Alison Sheesley


 Ph.D. – Counselor Education and Supervision

Unaffiliated member  

Kathy Green

Community Member 

Ph.D. – Psychometrics

Meeting Schedule
  • September 10, 2024
  • October 8, 2024
  • November 12, 2024
  • December 9, 2024
  • January 14, 2025
  • February 11, 2025
  • March 11, 2025
  • April 8, 2025
  • May 13, 2025

Materials needed for a full-board IRB meeting should be submitted two weeks prior to the IRB meeting date.